Friday, 23 November 2007


Yesterday we did not have time to update the blog. By the time we came back to the hotel I was too tired and we just wanted to go sttraight to bed.
We are now on our way to visit the city. Our schedule today is the French Concessions, Pudong (the shanghai City), some shopping and a drink with Radama's friends somewhere cool.
Yesterday we went to visit YUYUAN GARDENS, famed for their tranquilising harmonies of light and shade and rock and water. Chinese crowds shattered the equilibrium, peaceful sights and sedative effect of the picturesque pocket.
The garden were founded by the Pan family, rich Ming dynasty officials. The gardens took 18 years (1559-77) only to be ransacked during both the Opium War and the Taiping Rebellion. Today the restored gardens are a fine example of Ming garden design.
From there we walked through the Old Town, suburbs and headed to admire the BUND, stunning location by the riverside enjoying PUDONG (equivalent to Canary Wharf in London) on one side and the western buildings (Peace Hotel, HSBC building etc) on the other side.
It got really cold so we headed back to the hotel in the French Concessions to have some dinner and to get warm.
Shanghai has nothing to do with Beijing but the contrasts. It feels like being in Hong Kong, New York or London but I have to say that the views are breathtaking.
From Shanghai with love

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